Million Dollar Improv

A new comedy game show set in the distant future of the year 2020!

Join The Fictionals and friends for the new interactive comedy show at Cafe Deux Soleils – Million Dollar Improv! Using the MDB party game system, audience members will have a chance to play for a chance to win One Million Dollars*! But they will have to prove how much they want the cold hard comedy cash during the live tournament against other audience contestants.

The second Tuesday of each month: March 10, April 14, May 12, and June 9, 2020. Doors at 7:30 pm, show at 8 pm. Tickets $7 or $5 for students!

Million Dollar Improv
Million Dollar Improv

***Million Dollars, But whenever someone starts talking politics, you temporarily lose one of your five senses.***

***Million Dollars, But any time you change time zones, you have to slather a sheet of paper in mustard and eat it.***

Then using futuristic comedy technology only found in the year 2020, the Improv Gajillionaires will recreate the scenarios which you bindingly agree** to during the game show!

Finally you can afford your down payment on the one-bedroom condo. Finally you can dine on all the avocado toast you want. Finally, Million Dollar Improv is here!

*Prize won’t actually be One Million Dollars, but we will have some fun stuff to win!
**Not actually a binding agreement.

Million Dollar Improv
Million Dollar Improv

Million Dollar Improv is part of The Fictionals Hot Improv Tuesdays series! Doors at 7:30 pm, show at 8 pm. Tickets $7 or $5 for students!

And if you enjoy our live comedy shows, hire us to perform at your upcoming corporate or private event! Contact us for more details here.